With our introduction to Canada, we are now also supporting a large reforestation project to restore large parts of the country that suffered from the wild fires in the last few years. Our forestation partner One Tree Planted has signed up to plant 2,2 million trees as a part of the larger 50 million tree program.
The 50 Million Tree Program (50MTP) plants and tracks millions of trees from seed to survival each year in Ontario on more than 500 sites annually and in collaboration with 57 planting partners. The 50MTP is a part of the United Nations Billion Tree Campaign—the goal of which is to plant seven billion trees worldwide.
Tree species included are Eastern White Pine, White Spruce, Red Pine, Norway Spruce, Eastern White Cedar, Tamarack, Red Oak, European Larch, Silver Maple, Hybrid Poplar, Eastern Red Cedar, Sugar Maple, Black Cherry, Bur Oak, Black Walnut, White Birch, Swamp White Oak, Bitternut Hickory, White Oak, Red Maple, Tuliptree, Balsam Fir, Black Spruce, Trembling Aspen, American Basswood, Hackberry