What does it cost to participate in Hotels for Trees?
The only cost is for the door hangers, which you can download from our online Dashboard and print locally.
What does participation in Hotels for Trees give us?
In addition to making a positive contribution to a greener planet and a possible better image towards the market in this area, every room that is not cleaned still saves on room cleaning after the donation is made.
I already ask guests if they want to skip the cleaning in exchange for a voucher/nothing. Soon I will have to start remitting money for this. Does this make sense then?
Practice shows that guests use this initiative 2 – 3 times more often than initiatives where they receive nothing or only a voucher in exchange for not cleaning the room. Hotels for Trees is therefore convinced that this initiative is also very interesting for hotels that already use another initiative in this area. Should there be any doubts about this, a pilot of a few months without obligations is always possible.
How does this work in terms of reporting, invoicing and payment?
Each day at 2 p.m., the front desk of the participating hotel receives an automated reminder to enter that day’s uncleaned rooms into a locked portal. These numbers can be found directly on the website. Once a month, the hotel receives an invoice for the number of trees planted. This donation is VAT-free and will be invoiced from an organization with a special charity trademark, which may provide tax advantages for hotels. The payment term of this invoice is 30 days.
In what ways do your projects contribute to recovery of biodiversity?
When planting new forests and restoring existing ones, our afforestation partners always consider the effects on biodiversity. Here, it is important to consider species diversity, the natural environment and sustainable management.
They all ensure that many different tree and shrub species are planted in its projects. This lays the foundation for a varied and robust forest. And moreover, a forest where, thanks to this broad species composition, many other plants, fungi and animals find a place.
How can I be sure that the trees have actually been planted?
We guarantee the planting of your trees! We have a contract with our afforestation partners that include agreements on activities, outputs and impact. Through reports, field visits and solid monitoring that both our afforestation partners share with us, we closely monitor our projects. We provide updates about this via newsletters and social media.
What do I need to do to participate in this initiative?
All you have to do is book a room for a multi-day stay at one of the participating hotels and hang the unique door hanger on the door handle of the room during one or more days.
How can I be sure that my green choice is/will be processed properly?
The hotel you sleep in processes the number of rooms not cleaned every night in an online portal. These numbers are immediately visible to guests on the website.
How can I be sure that for not cleaning my room, a tree will actually be planted?
For the afforestation projects Hotels for Trees works together with Trees for All and ReForest Now. Both foundations have a special charity trademark and have been active in the field of CO2 compensation and afforestation projects for many years. All donations from the hotels are spent on (re-)forestation projects and used for running and growing Hotels for Trees. Hotels for Trees receives a certificate for every donation. This certificate states exactly which trees in which projects have been made possible by the joint donation of the hotels.
How much CO2 do I offset by skipping a day of room cleaning?
When staying in hotels you produce between 30 – 50 kg of CO2 with every Euro 100 you spend. The exact amount of CO2 depends of course on your specific behavior, the number of guests in the room and the facilities of the hotel. The average adult tree captures around 20 kg of CO2 per year. Considering the fact that a tree can easily become 20 years old, it becomes clear that planting a tree is a considerable step in the right direction.